Intro to Consulting Booster


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Framer Mentor

Thanks for joining our program !

Here I share with you tested systems to build a 6 figures solo consulting business and for the most ambitious a 7 figures boutique consulting firm.

I'm excited to have you join us as we embark on this transformative experience together. When you signed up, you showed your commitment to growth and success, and I'm here to support you every step of the way.

With my experience working with over 500 consultants and more than 300 companies, we'll fine-tune your strategies to match your unique goals. You've already laid the groundwork for your consulting venture, and now it's time to take it to the next level.

Throughout the coaching program, you'll find a range of resources designed to empower you. From practical tips to useful templates, each tool is here to help you succeed.

In our sessions, we'll explore key principles of growth and how they apply to your consulting business. Whether it's refining your offerings or improving your prospecting skills, each lesson is focused on moving you forward.

Our goal is your success, and together, we'll celebrate victories and overcome challenges. So, get ready to transform your consulting career. Approach each session with an open mind, knowing that every step brings you closer to your goals.

Welcome to your Freelance Consultant Coaching journey. Let's make it a success together!

Before you embark on your journey as a freelance consultant, I want to share a few things that I've learned over the years from building and developing businesses, for you to remember.

  1. Shred your ego. Before everything, deal with your pride & fears.

  2. Niche down. You will clarify what you sell.

  3. Think your personal brand as a real brand

  4. Give a lot for free

  5. Start to communicate with a single channel

  6. Build an email list. Capture your leads.

  7. Engage your network. Let everybody know what you do.

  8. Have a single offer.

  9. People buy with emotion, then justify with logic

  10. Sell the transformation, not the product

  11. Don't argue your prices, know what's your worth and stand by it

  12. Whatever business you're in, study psychology, cognitive bias, & body language

  13. It's easier to sell an offer that solves a pain than one fulfilling a desire

  14. If you don't think you can help a prospect, be honest

  15. Compete on value, not price

  16. A 5th grader should be able to understand your writing

  17. If what you sell is confusing, nobody will buy

  18. Use the same words and phrases as your target market to increase conversions

  19. Start growing by saying "yes" to many opportunities but continue your growth by learning how to say "no"

  20. Social proof + scarcity + urgency + risk-free guarantees + bonuses = irresistible offer

  21. The less you care about making sales, the more you make

  22. It's ok to fire clients that don't align with your values

  23. Charge "high" prices so you can deliver more value for your clients

  24. Selling a good product in a bad market is a losing battle

  25. Always keep your sales pitch as short and powerful as possible

  26. Never sacrifice your reputation for money

  27. Marketing is about understanding your audience

  28. Use the words "you" and "your" in your copy to make it more engaging

  29. Use headlines to steal attention

  30. An average product with great marketing will outsell a great product with bad marketing

  31. When stating your price on a sales call, say "It's a one-time investment of " not "The price is

  32. You can be terrible at sales calls even if you have a great offer

  33. There's no such thing as too high of a price, only too little value

  34. Specific words and numbers are more believable than broad ones

  35. Using visuals for written testimonials will make them more believable

  36. You don't need a $2000 Macbook Pro, $967 logo, or a $87,000 degree to start a business

  37. You become wealthy by becoming valuable, then becoming scarce

  38. Quantify the timeframe of your offer

  39. The market isn't "saturated" your offer just sucks

  40. If your offer has a solid guarantee, it'll result in more sales than refunds

  41. Capitalize on your strengths instead of trying to do everything by yourself

  42. Your service/ product should meet demand, not try to create it

  43. People don't care about your offer, only what your offer can do for them

  44. Persuasive writing sounds conversational, not academic

  45. If you wouldn't work with someone for a year, don't work with them for a day

  46. Give value with 0 expectations and you'll get 10x returns in the long run

  47. Keep learning to stay on top of what's new in your industry

  48. Never think you've arrived

  49. A mentor will always get you where you want to go faster & easier

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